Imprisoned since the creation of the world, an ancient cosmic being waits deep in the mountains near Canyon Shadows, Utah. He searches for the proper host in order to break free from his chains. That host draws near.
Sheriff Dan Blackwood is hiding a mysterious secret and even darker past. However, his deception could be the only thing that stands between the mountain and the world’s destruction.
Garrett Porter is an antiques dealer suffering from the recent loss of his wife and daughter. He travels to Canyon Shadows on the trail of a unique artifact but finds more than expected it the sleepy town.
Troy Grimes searches for answers regarding his father’s recent yet mysterious suicide. As his investigation brings him closer to Canyon Shadows, he begins to question what’s real and what’s not.
Templars, Anasazi, as well as Christian and Native American legends come together in this fast-paced novel of good, evil, and everything in-between.
It's alive! The next book of my Dark Tyrant Series hit the streets on the 13th of December. I've added purchase links below.
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