Right off the bat, the protagonist is pained in a certain light, showing the viewers that she's a shallow person with very little going for her other than good looks. She doesn't care about anyone other than herself, is mean to her roommate, and is trying to hoop up with the married professor. What's neat about this setup, is that we don't know who the killer could be, because 10 minutes in we've established half-a-dozen possible killers with motive.
The plot of the movie is that she needs to survive the night and find out who her killer is before it is too late because she doesn't have unlimited lives. Each day she wakes a little weaker implying that at some point, she'll cease to exist.
This movie has decent acting, and a well written story. Buried within the main arch is a sub-plot about the main character's relationship with her father that's both touching and heartbreaking...not something I expected to see in a slasher flick. The other nice part of this film, is it isn't gory. Not that I mind gore, but from the looks of the trailer I thought I was getting into a typical slasher movie in the same vein as Scream or I Know What you Did Last Tuesday When you Were at the Summer Cabin in the Woods. Most of the death scenes are implied, cutting away just as you would expect to see blood spraying from an artery. Plus, there is a lot of humor woven throughout the film. It livens it up when necessary, keeping the story moving along.
This film isn't without it's flaws. First and foremost, there was a weird gun scene that happened (TWICE) that really bugged me. There is a point where she gets a hold of the security guard's gun and empties it in three shots. Earlier, there was another scene where the gun was fired three times and then it was empty. The gun looked like a Berretta 92 which is capable of holding way more than three shots. So...what the hell over?
Second, there were a lot of times that the killer was knocked down or stunned. Every time this occurred I heard Shang Tsung's voice from Mortal Kombat yelling, FINISH HIM! Instead, she runs around like a damned lunatic trying to figure out some way to freedom.