What is it about the outdoors that appeals to you?
Being in the outdoors makes me be fully present in the situation. I immediately have to be in a "flow state" where I am fully immersed. My mind doesn't wander and start worrying about paying the bills, work, etc. It honestly gives my mind a break from the daily 9-5 grind. Its challenging, fun, scary, and beautiful.
When did you first start hunting/fishing?
I started fishing really young, I think I have some pictures of me fishing at 4 years old. I started going deer hunting with my family as an observer pretty much from day one so it was ingrained in me. I started hunting big game myself at 14 years old.
What is one of your most memorable outdoor moments?
Definitely killing my first big game animal which surprisingly was a bull elk. It was on the 7th day of a very hard hunt. It was 4.5 miles back in and a very hard pack out. I had my best friend with me to help. It was the single most rewarding thing and single most difficult thing I have ever experienced. To finally accomplish something that I had put years and years of effort into and wanted so bad was a milestone that I will never forget.
What is your favorite animal to hunt?
Its still bow hunting for elk. The ability for such large creatures to completely vanish in a couple steps amazes me. I affectionately refer to them as "timber ghost". I get humbled by hunting elk, especially hunting them on the Wasatch Front of Utah.
Why do you think hunting/fishing is important in today's modern age?
There is the argument for knowing where your meat comes from and being part of that process. Its a fact that hunting and fishing accounts for hundreds of millions of dollars from the sales of licenses, tags, waterfowl stamps, excises taxes, etc. Those funds go directly to wildlife conservation and help run local/federal regulatory bodies. Honestly its important for wildlife management and to attach value to these animals so there is a reason to keep their populations at stable numbers. I think that hunting/fishing imparts a sense of personal responsibility on the individuals who participate in those activities and I think that trait is severely lacking in today's modern age
What is something you would like to share with non-hunters out there?
See above.
Any final thoughts you would like to share with our readers?
If you have never hunted and have any inkling in starting please do. Seek out people who do hunt and ask to tag along. Contact your local wildlife management agency in your state, many offer beginner workshops to help get you started. It's one of the most rewarding experiences you can have.