Regardless of the wind, I got some interesting pictures. Unfortunately, no buck deer pics. I guess the bucks didn't want to travel that path. However, I did get a close up shot of a doe. At one point she looked right into the camera and said hello, or what the hell is that thing?
I went out a couple weeks ago and took a look at my trail cam again. I was happy to find that I didn't have 300 pictures of cows. Instead I had over 1000 pictures of moving tree limbs. I guess I set it up too close to another tree and whenever the wind would blow, it would register the movement. Regardless of the wind, I got some interesting pictures. Unfortunately, no buck deer pics. I guess the bucks didn't want to travel that path. However, I did get a close up shot of a doe. At one point she looked right into the camera and said hello, or what the hell is that thing? Then, the cows returned to enact their sabotage! Once again, the 'effin' cows ate my salt lick! I didn't think they would climb that trail...guess I was wrong. I won't immortalize them by posting any of those pics. What I will post, however, is the strange, flying, stick creatures I caught on camera. Not sure if they are just falling sticks, or what. But I like to believe it was a Sasquatch throwing communication rods in an attempt for some Jacks Links Jerky. I made it up to the lake this time. It was more of an overly large pond, but pretty nonetheless. Also, on the way up, I spooked a good amount of doe. One of them decided to not give a crap about me and keep on nomming on the grass. I got a decent pic with my phone. Even though I didn't spy any bucks this time, it was fun and totally worth it. I'll be going out to scout again at least one more time before the hunt starts, plus I'll be going to scout in an entirely different region for elk soon. I'll post on both of those adventures.
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August 2023